World Cup 5

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Текущая версия на 00:41, 27 апреля 2006

Период проведения: 02.05.2005 - 09.08.2005
Сайт чемпионата:


[править] Результаты

Таблица персональных результатов: Таблица командных результатов:
по турам:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Таблица национальных результатов:

[править] Видео
Видео сделанное на основе демок с чемпионата, посвященное победе MP.

[править] Описание

The fifth World Cup will differ a bit from the earlier cups. No more (hopefully) are we going to use email system for replay submitting. Instead, on this page will be put up a sending form. In order to use this, you need to have an active Mopolauta account. So, if you haven't got one, go register. You must use your Mopolauta nickname.

[править] О чемпиоате и уровнях

The cup will consist of 15 events. We will include at least one quite short (1-2 days) event in the cup. The exact time and date for this/these event(s) will be announced in advance. And in order to eliminate the possible inability to participate in these short events, they will be arranged as either-or a/b events, meaning that there will be an a-event and soon after that a b-event, but you can participate in only either one.

[править] Правила

  • In the cup, you are supposed to play a new specified external Elasto Mania level, one at a time, and get a result as good as possible, then submitting your result (.rec and .lev files) UNzipped using the form, that will (hopefully) appear below "Events and results"-section
  • The levels to play will also appear below, with schedule
  • Use Elasto Mania for playing
  • Bugs, cheating, etc illegal things are not allowed
  • There can be a time-/apple/some other limit in a level, to be able to participate, you need to get better result than the limit is
  • If two or more persons get the same time, they will all get equal points which are e.g. (75+70) / 2 = 72,5.
  • Make sure you submit your result in time. Exceeding the event deadline (that will be shown below, too) can result in time/result add-ons or disqualifying (for that event)
  • You are allowed to submit your result only once per event

[править] Штрафы

The punishments for misbehaviour, such as the replay was sent too late, replay isn't right, or expressing general bad attitude, will be decided according to the case.

[править] Очки

Points from normal events:

  • 1st - 100 pts.
  • 2 - 85
  • 3 - 75
  • 4 - 70
  • 5 - 65
  • 6 - 60
  • 7 - 56
  • 8 - 52
  • 9 - 49
  • 10 - 46
  • 11 - 44
  • 12 - 42
  • 13 - 40
  • 14 - 38
  • 15 - 36
  • 16 - 35
  • 17 - 34
  • 18 - 33
  • 19 - 32
  • 20 - 31
  • 21 - 30
  • 22 - 29
  • 23 - 28
  • 24 - 27
  • 25 - 26
  • 26 - 25
  • 27 - 24
  • 28 - 23
  • 29 - 22
  • 30 - 21
  • 31 - 20
  • 32 - 19
  • 33 - 18
  • 34 - 17
  • 35 - 16
  • 36 - 15
  • 37 - 14
  • 38 - 13
  • 39 - 12
  • 40 - 11
  • 41 - 10
  • 42 - 9
  • 43 - 8
  • 44 - 7
  • 45 - 6
  • 46 - 5
  • 47 - 4
  • 48 - 3
  • 49 - 2
  • 50 - 1

Points from a/b events will be every other from that list: 100, 75, 65, 56, 49, 44, 40, 36, 34, 32, 30, 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, so that it's for 25 best ones.

[править] Призы

Traditional diplomas for top-ten and probably also some kind of trophys, now that we have some money thanks to donations (wink wink ;D)
In addition, the winner of the first event will be granted a free entrance to Finnish Elma Meeting 2005. If it occurs, that the winner has paid for FEM05 already, he will recieve his money back at the meeting, or alternatively he can donate the free entrance to someone else.

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